Although I do not have a great number of faults (ha! ha!) I do have some. Here's the biggie! In a nutshell I am an inflexible person. I like organization. For example, I function best with grocery spreadsheets, ToDo lists, and itineraries. I like control. For example, I like it when others do things MY way & agree that MY way of doing things is certainly the best/most efficient method. I like voicemail. For example, I stress out when someone calls me because I may not know why they're calling or have the correct/instant answer to the topic at hand. Ridiculous, I know. Remember, be kind, I am confessing my faults here!
So, I get it and I am trying to improve my flexibility & tolerance for change/differences. But it's really hard for me. I mean, come on, it would be so much easier for me if everyone would only accomodate my schedule. If they'd only look at things from my perspective. If they'd change their attitudes, their preferences, their personalities, etc. to be more like my own. Then we'd be getting somewhere.
"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be." (Thomas a Kempis)
Whoosh! (air leaving my lungs). Yeah. What a boring world with only one schedule, one perspective, one preference, one personality. No spontaneity. No pillow fights. No just-because flower deliveries. No fresh ideas. No chances to learn. No dancing in the rain. No opportunity to grow in a different direction. And seriously, why should I expect others to change when I have faults of my own (only a few, did I already mention that!?).
Okay. I take it back. I want you to be YOU because by doing so you enrich my life. And, I'll not get angry if you call me at midnight on a Tuesday evening; we'll talk for as long as you'd like. And if I try to impose my ideas/preferences on you; call me out (ahh, do so gently, please). But...don't ask me to leave the house without a shopping list. That's asking too much :)