This past weekend we AGAIN celebrated Alexander's first birthday with a little grandparent's party. Since 'Mr. Monkey' has quickly become his favorite buddy the past several months, it was easy to choose a theme for the party. Xander loved being the 'man of the hour' and soaked up all the lovin' from BOTH sets of grandparents.
I am quite certain he went to bed just a wee-bit overstimulated and on QUITE the sugar high :)Here are a couple pics of the party, specifically the progression of his entry into the world of chocolate.
He began quite cautiously, not certain why all the cameras in the room had suddenly ZOOMED in expectantly...
Not bad, he decided. Not bad at all. If I dig in with both hands, I might be able to get even more of this gooey-ness into my mouth...
Oh, yeah! This is DEFINITELY good stuff. I'd like this for every meal - yes, siree! Especially if I get to eat with my shirt off, too. Finger-licking goo-ood!
SIDEBAR: Last weekend as everyone was asking Alexander expectantly, "How old are you?" I panicked as I realized I have made a major 'mom faux pas' -- I had forgotten to teach my son how to hold up his finger indicating this age milestone!
So...naturally this past week I drilled him every hour ON the hour (just kidding!), "How old is Xander? One!? NO. Not patty-cake. NO. Not 'So Big!' NO. Not 'Where is Momma's nose!' NO. Not that finger. This one. YEAH! Yes! Xander is one!" See picture to the left as evidence of the extensive training :)