Monday, November 23, 2009

Sweet Friendship...

Xander is currently 'sleeping off' his weekend after spending it with this amazing little boy...

We began a friendship withYikealo and his parents (David and Larisa) when the adoption journey to our Ethiopian sons overlapped. Since the boys have come home, there's been a tugging on my heart for them to meet face-to-face. That happened this weekend and we had a wonderfully blessed time of fun, sharing & laughter together.

Playing at a downtown park.

Dads & sons by the lake.
BOTH these little boys have capture a special place in my heart which is overflowing with praise God for the precious gift of our sons.
Come back anytime, M-family!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

1-Year Anniversary: Remembering...

It was one year ago today that I was sitting in the dentist's chair for over an hour. Why is that momentous? you might ask a bit puzzled. Well...b/c it was on that very same day as I was leaving the dentist's office that I checked my voicemail and heard these words (from my husband), "Congratulations, mommy! We passed!"

Yep! 1-year ago today, our case passed thru the Ethiopian court system and we became the parents of an amazing little boy. As he splashed in the bathtub this morning & smeared yogurt across his face, as he played with his tractors and "helped" me fold the laundry...I have found myself startled that less than 1-year ago our house was so quiet (and cleaner, more organized, less chaotic...). Okay, I digress.
This little boy, OUR little boy has brought such joy to our lives. SO much joy that I'm struggling to put my heart into words. This is my best attempt: "I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name..."