Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This MIGHT Be Serious...

I can't walk, Mom. My toe is broken. (cousin Ty fractured a couple of toes)
I have bumps all over my head (he observed the Dr. removing some stitches from a minor procedure on my scalp).
I cannot go to grandma's 'cause I'm sick. (really! you can't go to grandmas?!)
I cannot go to school 'cause I have a really, really bad headache.

I cannot go to bed 'cause I am too sick.
I cannot go to the gym 'cause my stomach hurts.

Instead of rushing the X-man to the emergency room or Dr. office which he has requested repeatedly, I have made a self-diagnosis. You guessed it, folks, we're looking at a serious case of hypochondria! (defn): Hypochondriacs become unduly alarmed about any physical symptoms they detect, no matter how minor the symptom may be. They are convinced that they have or are about to have a serious illness.

I write this post as part PSA (Public Service Announcement) & part appeal for some assistance. If Alexander observes you sniffling, blowing your nose into a tissue or, heaven forbid, sneezing! he may show great alarm and/or express concern that you are terribly sick & should immediately seek medical attention. Please assure him that there is a good possibility you'll live to see another day! :) If he sees you with any type of band-aid or cast/crutches, etc. extra assruance might be required.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Cousins Are Coming...

This past Wednesday, in Xander-language, was a GOOD, GOOD DAY! A much anticipated day. Why? No, not the British but..."the cousins are coming, the cousins are coming!" For several days, the X-man could be heard saying, "My cousins are my brothers & sisters, right? I need brothers & sisters. Yeah, Isaak is my brother." Oh well, I have finally stopped correcting him. It's not hurting anyone, right?

Anyways, we were visited by A.Joy, Brenda, Isaak, Brooke, Jolynn, Drew and Landry. Our day consisted of a hike (stroller parade) down the Prairie Path, followed by lunch & playtime at the park, followed by another hike (1/2 stroller parade, 1/2 toddlers chasing each other intrerrupted by an unhappy baby crying), followed by playtime at another park. What fun! Here are some pics to prove it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Family Fun Day...

Much to Alexander's delight, a couple weekends ago (yes! I am totally behind!) we took the train into the city, hopped on a cross-town bus and spent the day at the zoo. The weather was amazing (sunny, in the 70/80s) and the animals were out&about. A super fun family day.

This below 'view' illicited some very inquisitive and detailed questions about the functionality of one's bottom, leading to much parental-snickering and glad-its-you-and-not-me looks from those eavesdropping nearby.After seeing all kinds of amazing creatures, the following took TOP HONORS as Alexander's favorite. Go figure!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Favorite BAR(s)...

That would be Brenda Ann (R.) and Brooke Avery (R.) Love this shot of my little sister and even more, watching her with a daughter all her own. How sweet! What a treasure!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Family Is A Blessing...

Growing up, I had the privelege of living within 5 miles of my grandparents and first cousins (on my dad's side of the family). Some of my best childhood memories are of Family Night which occured at least once a month, but usually much more often than that. We'd all gather at someone's house, share a potluck meal and then spend hours and hours and hours playing. Baseball. Basketball. PingPong. Pool. Hide & seek. Kick the Can. Board games. We'd put on concerts with an eclectic compulation of instruments. We'd dress up with gpa's crazy wig collection.

I got all nostolgic/sentimental this weekend when we spent time with these same cousins once again...but WE were all grown up and our KIDS were the ones making childhood memories. It was so sweet to watch Alexander run around the farm chasing his cousins, playing bags & tackle/touch football, riding bikes and making LOTS of noise. Family is truly a blessing.

typical toddlers: fighting one minute & sharing the next (nephews) sweet & adorable Abe...(a 2nd cousin)Landry (nephew) and Gina (SIL) share some giggles... Virginia, Kara and Brianna (2nd cousin, niece, 2nd cousin)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ready or Not? Off To School!

This is one of those images etched somewhat abstractly in my mind since I was a little girl, I think. Sending a child to his/her first day of school. To be honest, I never pictured a little brown boy but God had different (and much better) plans! The first-day-of-school picture which I thought corn-y as a child and now ESSENTIAL as a parent.

I was greeted this morning with the scampering of footsteps and a huge smile before he proudly proclaimed, "This is my first big day of school!"

Saying Good-Bye To J-Man

For those following along. We said good-bye to Jonathan on Friday evening.

Just as he quickly entered our lives 9-weeks ago, I received a phone call on Thursday afternoon that he'd be returning to his family the next day.

We miss his blond curls & his infectious giggles but trust that our time together AND our saying good-bye are all part of God's perfect plan for our lives & his.

"Luff (love) you, buddy!"